TMS Therapy for Teens

An Effective, Non-Drug Based Alternative

What is TMS Therapy?


TMS, an FDA-approved and insurance-covered treatment, works by delivering targeted magnetic pulses to areas of the brain which are responsible for regulating mood. These pulses stimulate nerve cells in neural circuits responsible for the symptoms of depression.

Over time, this process helps to rebalance brain activity, reducing symptoms of depression and improving overall well-being. This personalized approach offers an alternative to medication-based treatments, providing teens with a safe and effective option for managing their mental health.

Expertise Matters


Our clinical leadership boasts extensive experience in both clinical practice and research. Through careful evaluation, our providers determine suitability for treatment and collaborate to deliver sustainable relief, fostering long-term mental well-being for those undergoing depression treatment. As depression treatment experts, TMS therapy has proven itself as an effective alternative—offering hope for relief.

Dr. Heather Jones

ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRISTWith expertise in Child Psychiatry and depression treatment, Dr. Jones has made significant contributions to groundbreaking research on depression. She embodies clinical excellence through a patient-centered approach.

Micheal Draheim

Dr. Andrew Nanton

ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIST With nearly two decades of clinical experience, Dr. Nanton holds five board certifications including Child Psychiatry. Passionate about new and emerging treatments for behavioral health

Is TMS Therapy Safe for Adolescents?

Yes, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for patients as young as 15, with a safety profile comparable to its use in adults.



An open-label study investigating Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in adolescents revealed a promising 44% remission rate among participants aged 13 to 21 years old [1]. TMS therapy has comparable risks and side effects for both children and adults, with minimal side effects reported [1], [2].

Another study, spanning a decade and comprising 384 children aged 1 to 18 who underwent TMS therapy, further confirms its safety and tolerance in younger patients [3]. Although mild headaches may occur, they typically resolve on their own without the need for intervention.

Ensuring well-being is our top priority.

Exploring TMS Therapy for Teens

Finding the right treatment for your teen’s mental health can be complex. It’s important to explore your options thoroughly. Consulting with experts in the field and learning about different approaches can help you make the most informed decision for your teen’s well-being.


  • Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Previous unsuccessful attempts with medication
  • Desire to avoid pharmacological or systemic treatments

Determining suitability for TMS therapy is a collaborative process. Schedule a consultation today to learn more and explore the best treatment options for your teen’s mental health journey

What to Expect


  1. We collaborate with your teen’s clinical care team to assess and ensure continuity of care, carefully considering their unique clinical profile and therapeutic needs.
  2. Our experts conduct a thorough psychiatric evaluation and build a personalized treatment plan. We aim for comprehensive symptom management and optimizing outcomes through targeted interventions.
  3. We assess for suitability for TMS Therapy, which offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach. Our goal is to identify sustainable treatment options for lasting relief.

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