Shot of a unrecognizable woman sitting on a sofa and feeling anxious

TMS Therapy for Anxiety: Is It Effective?

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Blog

Recently, there’s been a lot of buzz around the use of TMS therapy for anxiety. Some people swear by it, while others are unsure if it actually works. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at TMS therapy and discuss whether or not it is an effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.

What is TMS?

First, let’s talk about what TMS is. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain. It is generally used to treat depression but has been found to be effective in treating other disorders such as PTSD and OCD.

How Does TMS Work?

TMS works by stimulating neurons in the brain with magnetic pulses. TMS works by targeting imbalances in the brain’s neural pathways, which in turn alleviates symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, PTSD, and OCD.

It’s become a very popular treatment thanks to its lack of side effects, quick results, and non-invasive nature. It has been used to treat generalized anxiety disorder with some success, but is it actually effective?

Is TMS Effective for Anxiety?

Although more research is needed, there does appear to be some evidence that TMS can help reduce anxiety symptoms. Several studies have shown that people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) experienced a significant reduction in symptoms after undergoing TMS therapy. Your psychiatrist may recommend TMS for your anxiety if you haven’t responded well to other treatments such as medication and therapy.

What is Treatment-Resistant Anxiety?

Treatment-resistant anxiety is a condition that doesn’t respond to standard treatments such as medication and therapy. It is diagnosed when someone has been unsuccessfully treated for their anxiety disorder with multiple medications and/or therapy methods. There are many possible causes of treatment-resistant anxiety, including but not limited to:

  • Genetics
  • Brain chemistry
  • Environmental factors
  • Life experiences

Some people may not respond to standard treatments because their anxiety is rooted in a physical problem, such as a hormone imbalance or a neurological disorder. Others may have an underlying mental health condition such as depression or bipolar disorder that has not been properly diagnosed and treated. And finally, some people may simply not be able to tolerate the side effects of medication or therapy.

TMS therapy may help people with treatment-resistant anxiety because it helps to rebalance the brain’s neural pathways. It is a non-invasive procedure with few side effects, so it may be a good option for people who haven’t responded well to other treatments.

Has the FDA Approved TMS for Anxiety?

The FDA has approved TMS therapy for treating depression, PTSD, and OCD, but it hasn’t yet been approved for anxiety disorders. It is possible that more research will show it to be an effective treatment for anxiety in the future, but until then, it should only be considered experimental.


TMS therapy may offer some relief from symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, but it is not yet an officially approved treatment. It is a non-invasive procedure with few side effects, so it may be a good option for people who haven’t responded to other treatments. However, you should always consult your doctor before starting any type of therapy or treatment.

If you are considering TMS therapy for your anxiety, make sure to discuss it with your psychiatrist so that you can weigh the risks and benefits. With proper guidance, TMS may be an effective treatment for reducing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.

BestMind Can Help

BestMind Behavioral Health is dedicated to providing affordable, best-in-class behavioral and mental health treatment. Our providers offer medication and alternative therapies to treat Treatment-Resistant Depression, as well as ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and OCD. We work with licensed psychiatrists, certified physician assistants, and advanced registered nurse practitioners to deliver the best care for your state of mind.

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or another mental health condition, please reach out to BestMind Behavioral Health. We would be happy to discuss our treatment options with you and help you find the care that you need.