Illustration showing a person climbing out of their head, symbolizing success with TMS for depression. Beat the blues with TMS therapy.

Beat the Blues: A Psychiatrist’s Guide to TMS Therapy

by | Nov 16, 2023 | Blog

Welcome to ‘Beat the Blues,’ where we delve into the positive impact of combining lifestyle modifications with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy for ‘hard-to-treat’ depression. Dr. Robert Olsen shares insights to enhance the efficacy of depression treatment. Explore simple steps for significant change as we emphasize the synergy between TMS and positive lifestyle adjustments.

Let’s dive in—

Understanding TMS Therapy

What is TMS?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. According to Dr. Robert Olsen, a seasoned psychiatrist and Medical Director at BestMind, ‘It’s particularly effective in treating certain mental health conditions, such as depression.’

Facts about TMS Therapy:

What to Expect:

  • TMS uses an electromagnetic coil on the scalp to deliver magnetic pulses to specific brain areas.
  • Sessions usually last around 20 minutes.
  • You’ll be seated during treatment, remaining alert to read or listen to music.
  • After each session, you can drive and resume your daily activities as usual.
  • Many patients experience a gradual improvement in symptoms over the course of TMS treatment.
  • Expect to consistently check in with your TMS provider about any changes in mood, sleep, etc.

Tips for TMS Therapy:

1. Stay Consistent:

Consistency is vital for TMS effectiveness. Attend all scheduled sessions as your healthcare provider recommends to ensure optimal results in your mental health journey. Dr. Olsen highlights, “Improvement of mood continues up to 6 months after 6 weeks of TMS treatment, so it’s best to make TMS a part of total mental health improvement.”

2. Stay Active in Your Wellness:

To conquer the challenges of overcoming the blues, it’s essential to approach your well-being with a balanced perspective. In our efforts to foster long-term changes, it is important to focus on making gradual changes over radical transformations that may be challenging to maintain. Remember, progress isn’t linear—be patient with yourself.

Consult your mental health team for advice if you need guidance on staying consistent and accountable. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Well-Rounded Wellness

Sleep Hygiene:

Establishing a healthy sleep routine is crucial. Dr. Olsen recommends, “Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before sleep, and ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.” Additionally, you can access our Sleep Hygiene Guide.

Balanced Diet:

Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Dr. Olsen suggests starting with “Incorporating one additional serving of fruits or vegetables each day.” and that a “Mediterranean diet is proven to be most effective for your brain: it helps your mood, general health and reduces the risk of dementia in later life.”

Keep Your Body Moving:

Start with small, manageable steps. Dr. Olsen encourages, “Take short walks, stretch, or try a beginner-friendly exercise routine. Consistency is key, so gradually increase activity as you feel more comfortable.” All movement helps, even in practical ways such as walking to your destinations, effortlessly combining reaching your goal with exercise.

TMS Therapy for Depression Near Me

If you’re looking for “depression help near me” and exploring TMS therapy, uncover our holistic approach. At BestMind, we aim to seamlessly integrate expert psychiatric care with effective alternative treatments, such as TMS therapy. Our mission is to offer personalized guidance, recognizing that recovery from depression is as unique as the journey itself.

Embracing Change with TMS Therapy

Small changes collectively support your overall well-being, laying a foundation for positive mental health. Dr. Olsen emphasizes, “When coupled with TMS therapy, the increased neuroplasticity enhances the impact of these changes, making your journey towards mental wellness even more effective.” Remember, progress is a series of small steps, and each one brings you closer to a healthier tomorrow.

We understand that for those grappling with depression over the years, taking steps towards a healthier mindset is challenging. Change, in itself, is challenging. The goal is to further disrupt those well-worn pathways in our brains and behavioral patterns while supporting our overall well-being. Integrating TMS into your mental health plan thrives when you actively engage in your well-being. Each positive step strengthens the changes, bringing hope for a breakthrough, especially for those who have battled with depression for an extended period. We want to empower you to actively participate in this journey to achieve the best outcome possible.

Ready to learn more about TMS Therapy? Contact us for a free consultation.